Blessed Mother Mary, pray for us...

Blessed Mother Mary, pray for us...

Lunes, Agosto 22, 2011

Hail Mary...

Today let us resolve to concentrate on the words of the HAIL MARY prayer, and remember that the center of this prayer is JESUS, the fruit of her womb, according to Elizabeth. Gabriel, a messenger of God, told Mary that she was full of grace, and used the royal term "HAIL" to greet her. Paul says in Romans 6:14 - "For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under grace." What this means for us who are sinful is that we can be saved from our sins by the grace of God. What it means for Mary, who was full of grace BEFORE the incarnation, is that sin does not exist in her, because there is simply no room for it, and therefore sin has no dominion over her. We see this in Revelation 12, where the devil is trying to get her, but God saves her. In Revelation 12:17, we learn that we are her children as well if we keep the commandments of God AND, AND, AND, bear testimony to Jesus. 

And when we say our rosary and meditate on the Presentation of Jesus to God the Father in the Temple, let's also remember that the other young boys there at that time being presented to God would soon be slaughtered by Herod, a forerunner of Planned Parenthood today. So let's ask Mary to shut down Planned Parenthood in honor of the Holy Innocents.

And let us pray Mary presents us to Jesus upon our death, the way she presented Jesus to God the Father upon His birth. 

"All generations to come SHALL CALL ME BLESSED", according to THEE WORD OF GOD in Luke 1:48 

So let us resolve today to imitate St. Gabriel and to obey God and do this every day, with reverence and love. AVE MARIA, GRATIA PLENA, DOMINUS TECUM!


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